Wednesday, 17 October 2012



What do you do when the rubber hits the road?  What do you do when things have gone totally wrong?  It's all gone pear shaped.  The marriage is broken.  Little Johnie is not at uni but is selling drugs and gone to jail.  You've lost your job.  The doctor says you have a lump in your breast.  Your mother just died.  The house is going to be repossessed.
We all know someone who has faced something like this.  Maybe you have too.  The devil has the art of deceit  darkness, devastating decisions, depression, distraction and ultimate destruction.  We know that he is a liar (John 8:44).  What do we do when we've prayed, fasted, tithed, cried and things are still not changing?  The devil wants us to say "where is God now?"  to question the power of God but I say that God is exactly where you left Him.  He is in heaven dealing with what you can't deal with.  He is watching just as He watched Jesus go to the cross for us.
We call all things as if they are so even if they are not so, we declare it so so that it can be so because Jesus said so (Romans 4:17).  In other words, speak victory over your situation; in the midst of your battle praise Him and give thanks (1 Thessalonians 5:18).  It's easy to praise God when we have what we want but what do we do when the rubber hits the road and the world says no.  We call on and wait to see what God says.  
I personally had a Job experience (Bible book of Job). I lost my job, my car as well as being separated from my family and all I held close.  My status and all I thought I stood for was gone...why? why is this happening to me? I asked myself.  So I called out to my God.  He had finally got my attention and it was then that He placed me in the words that I write today.  He said, hold on...can you still praise me now?  I want to know your heart...can you still worship me now?  Like Paul and Silas when they were in prison (Acts 16:16-40)...will you still lift up My name?  You may be in the wilderness now, but that's where Jesus went and that's exactly where God wanted Him.  God will never leave or forsake you.  It matters not what you go through, He's not brought you this far to leave you.  You may be in a storm feeling abandoned but if God is in the boat with you, you are in the right place.  So as you walk through the valley of the shadow of death fear no evil because God is with you.  When Moses went to ask for the freedom of the children of Israel, the Lord was with him (Exodus 3) and He will remain with you today in your difficult your Father who is in heaven,  He is waiting for your call.  Remember He knows and sees all.  He went ahead and dealt with all that concerns you.  The key is that He is waiting to see what you will do.  Will you seek Him or believe the lie of the devil?  When you have done all you can do in the natural, seek the Lord as He works where we can't see.  That's what you do when the rubber hits the road


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Thank you for those words, and thank you Jesus for putting those words into you. I am a Christian and going through all that you said, but sometimes when you’re in the lowest of points and you are feeling battered and bruised the devil can take control. I had to push through my situation and call on the name of Jesus, I then had to call on my friends to help me to push even further when I thought my faith would not hold up. I Thank God after every tear I wept, I sang songs so I could not hear the voice of the enemy. Yes the Devil is a lair and once I took control back with the help of the Holy Spirit I knew that victory is not far off. Yes, I still have my trails but I am taking it one step every day. 1 Kings 18:44 The servant said to Elijah he can see a cloud about the size of a man’s hand raising from the sea. I am at that point where I can smell victory even though I cannot see it yet. So thanks again for your words of wisdom

Anonymous said...

So Glad my words helped you. Keep on keeping onin Jesus name.

Unknown said...

God has something better for you but usually we don't believe God can move mountains for us, sometimes his is telling us to move on or let go or just understand he can heals all diseases, until we totally surrender all that we are and walk in faith that he is God we cannot discover our destiny.
Teach me, and I will be quiet;show me where I have been wrong. Fire TESTS the purity of silver & gold, but a person is TESTED BY BEING PRAISED. He COMFORTS US IN ALL OUR TROUBLES SO THAT WE CAN COMFORT OTHERS. When they are TROUBLED, we will be able to give them the SAME COMFORT GOD HAS GIVEN US. For the MORE we SUFFER FOR CHRIST, the MORE God will SHOWER US WITH HIS COMFORT THROUGH CHRIST.

Anonymous said...
