Wednesday 26 September 2012

Take What’s Left Over And Step Out!!

Take What’s Left Over And Step Out!!

Too many of us are held back from doing what we are called to do because we don’t think we have what it takes. We either feel we don’t have the finance, the background or the intelligence, in the right position, the right colour skin....and the list goes on.  We also want what we don’t have. 
If only we would focus on what we do have we would achieve more for ourselves and others in the Body of Christ.
See, God uses the things that other people throw away. He uses those who others reject. He uses the leftovers for great things, for example people like David, Joseph not to mention Moses.
When I was a child, many times we did not have much food.  Mummy would head to the cupboards that we had already searched and found nothing but amazingly she would pull together bits of this and bits of that and by the time she had finished, she had made a delicious meal for the family.  We would go to bed with a smile and a full stomach.  Jesus fed over 5000 people with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread and still had 12 baskets of leftovers.
Moses thought he did not have what it took to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt but God used Moses with what he had (his staff) (Exodus 7) and promised to be with him.  When Moses got to the Red Sea, the Lord used the staff in his hands again to part the sea (exodus 14:16).
God concentrated on what those great men in the Bible had and not their short comings or what they did not have.
My business started without the resource or experience required and in an economic climate that was not ideal but God said to me “step out, I’m with you”.
Wherever you are today and whatever your challenge is, you need to seek God and step out; He will use what you have and make a way.  When Abraham went to the top of the mountain to sacrifice his son Isaac, the boy asked him “where is the sacrifice?”  Abraham replied... “The Lord will provide” and so said, so done (Genesis 22:12)
We serve a mighty God......STEP OUT!!!

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