Friday 19 October 2012

Are You Prepared To Stand Alone

Are You Prepared To Stand Alone

If we are totally honest, standing alone can be uncomfortable and most of us avoid it wherever possible.  We even fear it.  But God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Abraham had to leave all that he knew to enter a foreign land where he was alone (Genesis 11:39 & 19:9).  God had to get him out of his comfort zone in order to use and bless him. The Lord promised Abraham that He would make his descendants as plentiful as the stars in the sky. Ask yourself these questions : Are you in your comfort zone? Can God pour out His blessings on you where you are and if He did would you recognise that God had sent them? 
The truth is we never stand alone. Our Heavenly Father always stands with us, even if we don't realise or recognise Him.  Maybe we need to stop depending on family, friends and familiar things. Familiarity breads contempt, contempt breads bad company and bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33).  Gods word teaches us to not lean on our own understanding but to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and He will direct our path (Proverbs 3:5-6).  Standing alone does not mean being alone. We can be surrounded by people and still feel alone if they are the wrong people.
Right decisions are not always popular but that does not mean they are not right.  Popular decisions are often wrong.  Pontius Pilate made a decision to free Barabbas and crucified Jesus.  At the time it was a popular decision but was it the right one?  If we stand on the Word of God when making decisions, He will order our steps. Noah heard from God when he decided to build the ark (Genesis 6:14). This decision made Noah look silly and unpopular but when the rain came everyone wanted to be next to Noah. 
When I surrendered my life to Christ many people thought I was crazy and could not understand why I wanted to turn away from the  things of the world.  They thought I'd lost the plot.  Some of them stepped away from me.  Overnight my popularity plummeted.  I had gone out on my own against the norm but I knew then as I know now that it was the best decision I ever made.  I received immediate peace.  The peace that surpasses all understanding, not the peace the world could give to me or take away (Philippians 4:7).  Many of my friends are still chasing, seeking the peace that I have, they look for it in multiple relationships, night clubs, drinks and drugs.  My unpopular decision served me well.  I was prepared to stand alone and stand for Jesus.  This decision was not about being popular, it was about my salvation and eternal life. It turned out to be the one single decision that transformed my life as well as the test of my life and my faith in Jesus.  What decisions are you facing?  What's at stake and who is guiding you?
Just like Abraham, by faith I followed where God led me and I realised He led me here, far away from my comfort zone and all I knew to raise me up to be the man He wants me to be and to bless me so I can bless others.  Just like when the Lord blessed Abraham. God will get the glory and praise because my life would be a testimony of what He can do.  I came away from my comfort zone with neither man or woman by my side.  My decision was to be bold and follow where the Lord leads me.  God said to Joshua, "Be bold and of good courage" (Joshua 1:9).  He said "Every place that the sole of your feet tread upon I will give to you" (Joshua 1:3).  Where is God asking you to go?
God can do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask for (Ephesians 3:20).  Will you stand alone with Him?  My decision to start my own business in the midst of a recession was like Noah and the ark which was built when there was no rain.  Many said to me that I was crazy and I shouldn't do it because it was the wrong time, I didn't have the money or the experience and in the natural they were right but I had Gods Grace and I heard His voice.  He didn't tell me to get a regular job, He told me He didn't have a job for me but He had a business for me.  He said step out and step up, be bold and courageous. We all want to walk on water but remain in the boat.  Major decisions are often made by a minority like Jesus and the twelve disciples. A few good men can change the world. People like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Moses, David, Joshua and Caleb...heroes but still men.  God promised that though 1000 may fall at your left side and 10,000 at your right nothing shall  touch Gods anointed (Psalm 91:7)
No eyes have seen no ear heard nor has it entered the mind of man all that God has planned for him (1 Corinthians 2:9) :  Will you stand alone for Jesus today?


jannis said...

thank you Carl for this message. It highlights how important it is to sometimes take time out and spend some alone time. It's only by doing this that we are able to hear clearly and reconcile with ourselves and by doing so we are able to hear, see and recognise the gifts and blessings God has given to us and want to continue giving to us. Jesus often spent alone time to reconcile with Himself and the Father, He needed time away from the crowd and it was during that time He got closest to the Father. If we are to follow Him to eternal life it is important to be able to stand alone for Jesus. May God continue to strengthen you giving you boldness of faith to continue standing alone whether in a crowd or in your personal space. Thank you for your God given messages

Carl said...

Thank you for your comments Jannis. we are blessed to be a blessings. Im glad the message re assured you thats its ok to stand alone for what you believe and who you are.

Unknown said...

To stand alone for and in God is a humbling experience and you get to know who you really are,your strengths and your weaknesses,it is a soul searching journey of your faith and integrity to reveal the your true nature.
There is nothing that can compare to the complete surrendering of oneself to God, to deny ourselves of all the worldly things to connect mind,body and soul to the ultimate Father.
Standing alone is one of the greatest discoveries of the human nature, it exposes you, it questions
you, it answers you, and yes many people are surprised at that very notion that any person in their right mind would want to do that.
Comfort Zones are like couch potatoes, you stay on them all day long , and do nothing. To stand out in the crowd, to be different confuses people, sometimes they see you as a threat, to what is the so call norm. Jesus was different where ever he went he stood out in a crowd, people flocked to hear his word, just to touch the the hem of his garments, i can assure you if you did that today well some people might think you have gone to cuckoo land and back, but in all seriousness, Standing alone takes courage, conviction, single mindedness and vision of God's plan for your life.
There is no decision or step or thought that God did not ordained and orchestrate in your life Carl. Jeremiah 1:5 I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” CARL STAND OUT IN THE CROWD